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Other labels 34
Accessibility - Executive Function Deficit
Public repos
Disproportionately impacts people who experience disruption of their meta-cognitive processes, due to for example ADD, ADHD, anxiety, and depression, among other conditions
Accessibility - Language
Public repos
Disproportionately impacts people who speak one language compared to the impact on people who speak another language
Accessibility - Visual Impairment
Public repos
Disproportionately impacts people who have difficulty seeing, due to for example blindness, low vision, or color blindness
Artifact - Documentation
Public repos
Concerns standalone documentation, training materials, context-sensitive help, or other communication with users, developers, and system administrators
Artifact - Hardware
Public repos
Concerns a physical object, for example a development board, water pump, or chair
Artifact - Infrastructure
Public repos
Concerns a server, virtual machine, service, tools, utility, or other support facility
Artifact - Test
Public repos
Concerns a test of the system, or the testing activity, for example, a unit test, or a continuous integration pipeline
Public repos
This activity involves multiple, interrelated activities that will take longer than 2 weeks.
Public repos
New functionality, smaller or lower-level than a user story, could be added
Public repos
Changes are needed to reduce technical debt or preserve current functionality as the surrounding environment changes. For example, refactoring, upgrading dependencies, or complying with new minor versions of standards.
Impact::User Story
Public repos
A user wants to accomplish something new, or accomplish something in a new way
Public repos
Low urgency, low importance. This (or its absence) is causing some minor trouble. It would be good to deal with it eventually.
Public repos
Low urgency, moderate importance; or high urgency, low importance. This is causing some trouble it is getting harder to ignore, but it can hold until the normal course of duty reaches it. | Default
Priority::Very High
Public repos
High urgency, high importance, consequences of large magnitude. If only one thing can be done, this is the one to do.